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The Collective "A vez e a voz das Crianças" was born from an invitation made by the anthropologist and educator Adriana Friedmann to a group of people, involved with childhood, to reflect on the rich universe of listening and researching with children.

In these meetings, the desire arose to launch a Manifesto that would show the world the group's positioning in relation to children and their expressions during this period of prolonged social distancing.

We got involved in a collective action that resulted in the creation of a communication channel for our intentions, dreams and ideas regarding listening to children in different contexts of life in society.

This is how @coletivo.avezeavozdascriancas was born.

The topic of listening to children has gained increasing prominence, which fills us with joy and the desire to contribute to this movement of valuing their multiple voices.


Adriana Friedmann

Ana Cristina de Souza

Catarina Mattos Cavallari
Carla Altafini
Eliani Ragonha
Elisa Schuler
Fernanda Gouvea

Fernanda Suniga B.
Gláucia Fernandez
Isabela Assencio
Jacqueline Assis

Julia Mollo
Katia Matunaga
Laizane oliveira
Marcia Covelo
Miraira Manfroi
Natalia Tazinazzo
Roselene Crepaldi

Sabrina Barros

Tânia Fonseca Pinto
Teresa Andrea Ferrara

Along with each voice that will add up and echo in this collective.

Manifesto hand in hand with children!


In the movement dedicated to listening to children, we ask permission, we approach and silence to hear, feel and perceive their voices, their research, their desires, dreams, needs. From this delivery, crossed by distance, we launch this manifesto for the lives of children, evoking rights of this living.

A manifesto-invitation for adult caregivers of children to accompany them in the rediscovery of their territories and contexts, within their possibilities, of what is comfortable and safe at this moment. That they accompany their children in the enchantment of the re-encounter with nature, with other children, sounds of the streets, of mischief and pranks, in the elaboration of events, in the reception of their emotions. Accompany them in the redesign of their paths and walks, in these new elaborations. That, holding or not in their hands, they can contemplate, create narratives and experiences and feel their community again. 

The time for every child to live their childhood is now.

The time to hear them and get to know them  is the present, wherever they are.

In the green, on the asphalt, in their hiding places, in their  imaginary universes,

The time is now. (FRIEDMANN, )


We are Coletivo A Vez e a Voz das Crianças formed by women who are dedicated to listening to them, for more details visit our social media: @coletivo.avezeavozdascriancas

Research: Children's turn and voice in 2020-2021

Jornal Fala Criança was born in early 2021 from listening to children about their lives during the pandemic period.  It will be published periodically and disseminated both digitally through this platform and in print._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Fala Criança discloses to the world the genuine voices and expressions of children.

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